The five hundredth anniversary of Anabaptism in 2025 gives the church a unique opportunity to celebrate and dream. 

  • To celebrate the Spirit’s calling together of diverse people across all boundaries of culture and geography. 
  • To dream about how more people can be invited into and participate in leading and shaping Anabaptism’s future. 
  • To celebrate how young people have made faith their own for centuries.
  • To dream how young people today can become even more deeply engaged and empowered to help lead the Anabaptist movement into the future. 
  • To celebrate all the ways God has been faithful, and to dream about how we can mend what’s been broken.

At LMF we have been given an opportunity
to participate in this celebration...

 The Anabaptist Bible

One way that the the global Anabaptist community is celebrating 500 years is by publishing an Anabaptist Bible. 500 study groups from around the world are each being asked to study their own specific passages, take notes and submit their insights, interpretation, observations to be used in the Anabaptist Bible.
LMF is one of the study groups which will contribute to the Anabaptist Bible!! We have been assigned 3 passages. We will be looking at these passages in January and February and we will build our worship around the passages that we will be studying. Our passages are: 
  • Job 33 & 34
  • Matthew 23
  • Psalm 18:25-36

Would you like to a part the LMF Anabaptist Study Group?

Anabaptists have always believed that we need to study the Bible together. We know the Word and listen to the Spirit best when every aspect of our community is reading and listening together. We are at our best in our diversity, when the invitation to join in is complete, genuine and inclusive.
  • We need people to meet and plan our study series together.
    (We will meet at least 4 times and we will want to imagine how we can coordinate our study and worship times together.)
  • We need people to lead our study group.
  • We need somebody to record our discussion (take notes)
  • We need people to form our study group.

If you would like to do some or all of these things,
please talk to Danielle or Ian.