Worship Series

Current Worship Series


Image of The Trinity by Andrei Rublev

April 7 - May 12  | God. Then & Now; Always & Eternal 

After the death of Jesus, the disciples huddled in hiding.  They mourned the Messiah who they had known, loved, and had faithfully followed.  Who was their God to be now?  When the risen Jesus appeared among them, the disciples’ faith was rekindled but they still had to let go of the Messiah they knew (or thought they knew); God and Son looked and felt different now.

God is unchanging and eternal but God is also a living God, speaking to us in new ways through the ages.  What do we have to let go of in our faith so that we can see how God is speaking to us today?  How do we experience the rhythm of death and resurrection in our faith when we let go and rekindle?  Who is God to us now?

We will explore these questions by responding to a radio series; After Atheism: New Perspectives on God and Religion. Please feel free to give these radio episodes a listen. What resonates for you? What sounds new to you? What gives you pause? What do you agree or disagree with? What questions do you have? We will be responding to the radio series out of sequence as follows: 

April 14 | Program Two - John Caputo

April 21 | Program Five - Roger Lundin 
April 28 | Program One - Richard Kearney

May 5 | Program Three - William Cavanaugh
May 12 | Program Four - James Carse

Upcoming Worship Series

May 19 - June 2  | Quest for the Living God
"In our continued search for God, our quest is for the 'ineffable divine mystery on the move in history, calling forth our own efforts in partnership while nourishing a loving relationship at the center of our being: 'my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God' (Psalm 84:2)." from Quest for the Living God (p.4) by Elizabeth Johnson.

With theologian Elizabeth Johnson as our guide, we will search for God as the triune God of Love, as Creator Spirit, as God acting womanish.

June 9 - 23  | LMF in June. The Life of the Church

Every June, the rhythm of LMF life dictates our worship.  We will be on retreat, we will tell some our personal stories of God, and as we transition into Summer we will celebrate our students, educators and graduates.